Offertory May the Spirit guide your heart in all things.
Thank you for being a part of our Church family! Please consider enrolling in eGiving through Faith Direct so that your gift can reach us even when you cannot.
How to Enroll:
- Click the Faith Direct button to the right or visit: https://www.faithdirect.net/
- From the FaithDirect webpage, click the Give Now button.
- Enter FL640 for our church code.
- Complete the process to make a recurring or one-time gift. You will have the option of selecting weekly or monthly donations and participation in our Annual Collections.
- Setup your account by entering your address and payment information.
- Confirm your selections and donation amounts and you’re all setup for online giving!
Other Ways to Make a Weekly Contribution:
- You can receive pre-printed weekly envelopes from the parish office that will be mailed to your home every couple months. Please call the office at 561-585-5970 to request pre-printed envelopes.
- Inside the church entrance and within the pews are envelopes; if you don’t see them, please ask an usher before Mass for help.
Other Ways to Give:
- Gifts of Stock: You can avoid paying capital gains, receive a charitable gift deduction, and Holy Spirit receives the full value of your security! You can designate a specific collection or for use where the Parish has the most urgent need. Please call the office at 561-585-5970 to discuss this option further. Transfers of stock are arranged through the Diocese and we can help you and your broker through this process.
- Matching Gifts: Does your employer offer a matching gift as an employee benefit? If so, this is a great way to double or even triple your support. Not all companies offer matching gifts or may give to select charities; however, Holy Spirit is a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit and may qualify. Please ask your employer or the HR department for more and we’d be happy to offer assistance if needed.
- Legacy Options and Remembering Us in Your Will: There are many ways to ensure your continued support of our Parish such as gift annuities, trusts, life insurance beneficiaries, or a private trust or foundation. Please contact the parish office and begin the process to make these arrangements with the necessary parties.